AGLOW 2020 Policies
MEMBERSHIP As a condition of membership, AGLOW members shall recognize the cardinal connection between North America’s proven model of conservation and wildlife management and the traditional outdoor activities of hunting, fishing, trapping and the shooting sports. As an organization with the stated purpose to perpetuate, conserve, improve and promote the great outdoors, our natural resources and the outdoor recreational experience, AGLOW, as an organization, shall advocate for the traditional outdoor sports and the shooting sports.
PRESIDENT As the chief executive, the President is responsible for determining that all officers, directors and committee chairs are performing their assigned functions on time, and shall report any failures to perform to the Board of Directors. He or she should analyze the financial statements of the Association and take any steps necessary, and within his or her authority, to correct mistakes or reduce expenditures to stay within the budget. He or she may amend the budget or other expenditures with the approval of a majority of the Executive Committee, as required to protect the financial condition of the Association.
The President shall work with the Executive Director and the Board Chairman to develop agendas for the Board of Directors and general membership meetings.
The President shall submit articles for the newsletter.
The President may appoint and replace all standing committee chairs during his or her administration in accordance with how the By-Laws allow. The committee chairs shall be allowed to select their own committee members except where the Constitution or By-Laws dictate otherwise.
The President shall make a written report to the Board and general membership, summarizing his or her year’s activity. The report shall be filed with the Executive Director.
The President shall develop an agenda and printed program for the annual banquet. During the annual banquet he or she shall present authority of the presidency to the incoming President.
If the President feels that a member (active or supporting or of the Board) has done an outstanding job during the past year, working above and beyond expectations, he or she may award that individual the “President’s Award” at the annual banquet.
The new President may host a breakfast, usually the morning after the conference, for all past presidents, including the outgoing President. The President may ask the past presidents for advice and recommendations.
VICE PRESIDENT The Vice President shall attend all meetings and be an assistant to the President. In the President’s absence, he or she shall preside at such meeting where the President normally presides. The Vice President should become President the following year, unless circumstances dictate otherwise.
The Vice President shall be chairman of the Awards in Craft program. SECRETARY
The Secretary’s duties are traditional and prescribed in the By-Laws: The accurate recording and compilation of minutes of official Board of Directors and general membership meetings. The minutes shall be furnished to the Executive Director within fifteen (15) days of such meeting for publication in the newsletter.
If possible, the Secretary shall arrange for reproducing the minutes of the pre- conference Board of Directors meeting for distribution at the beginning of the general membership meeting, eliminating the need for reading such minutes and allowing the membership to study them and ask appropriate questions.
The Secretary shall read the minutes at Board and general membership meetings unless such minutes previously have been published and a motion is made to suspend the reading.
There should be two copies of the minutes. An original (green book) copy shall remain in the possession of the Executive Director. The other (a black binder) shall be passed from Secretary to incoming Secretary. It is important that the Secretary keep his or her copy current with all approved minutes, reports, etc. He or she shall provide the Executive Director wit originals of all minutes and reports for the office original minute book.
The banquet is a combination of the general membership meeting; therefore the Secretary shall take minutes at the banquet, noting all individuals who receive plaques or checks as contest winners and all sponsors of such contests.
TREASURER The duties of the Treasurer are incorporated in the duties of the finance committee. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
Officers serve for a limited period, but the Executive Director normally serves for many years in order to be familiar wit the details of each office and each committee. While the Executive Director thus shall be a source of continuity and assistance to each committee chair, the chairs, in turn, shall keep the Executive Director advised of committee activities. The Executive Director shall advise the President of any problem which appears to be developing in any committee.
The Executive Director may not terminate his contract without cause unless thirty (30) day notice is given the Board of Directors.
In addition to the duties required by the President and Board of Directors, the duties of the office should include:
- Maintaining a central office and performing day-to-day functions of the Association. To that end, having the office provided with the necessary files and equipment, as well as printed materials.
- The Executive Director shall handle the business of the Association and shall be responsible to the Finance Committee for:
- a) Keeping correct, accurate financial records for all income and disbursements of the Association in accordance with the Association’s cash-basis system
- b) Paying all bills in a timely fashion. Any expenditure in excess of $500 must have written approval from the Treasurer and President.
- c) Maintaining a healthy financial status for the Association and communicating any problems to the Treasurer immediately.
- d) Collecting and maintaining a record of conference fees and expenditures.
- e) Paying legitimate expenses of officers, committee chairs and directors.
- f) Preparing mid-year and annual financial reports for presentation to the board of directors and publication in the newsletter. These statements shall include a listing of each budgeted account and actual income/expense compared with the budgeted amount. Executive Director shall solicit and secure an independent audit of AGLOW’s finances by a qualified outside accountant or firm every three years, or at any time directed by the finance committee.
- g) Fulfilling any request from a committee chairman or officer for a financial report.
- h) Creating a budget in cooperation with the Treasurer and finance committee.
- i) Preparing and submitting all official corporation documents and fees required by the IRS on time, including Form 1988 involving payment to the Executive Director and any other persons for contract work.
- j) Preparing a listing of all properties and documents owned by the Association at the end of the fiscal year.
- k) Obtaining the necessary bonds for the treasurer and his or herself.
- l) Obtaining all insurance necessary for the protection of the
Association properties.
- Keeping computerized records of members and doing any analysis of
membership desired by the Board, the President or any committee chairman. The records shall be duplicated in a backup copy on separate storage media.
- Publishing an annual membership directory in professional manner.
- Maintaining continuity planning for agendas of all Board and annual
meetings and alerting all committee chairs of reports they are to give.
- Keeping the Board aware of all matters pertaining to the operation of the
- Attending all meetings of the Board and the membership. Travel and all
other expenses are to be reimbursed.
- Attending conferences of fellow organizations, as dictated by the Board of
Directors, to make greetings and study their operation. (OWAA, SEOPA, POMA, etc.)
- Working with all committee chairs and providing continuity to their
programs as well as helping to insure that the programs are carried out in a professional manner.
- Working actively on membership recruitment, including recruitment of
corporate members.
- Order all plaques and engravings.
- Publishing proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws
CONFERENCE RESPONSIBILITIES The Executive Director is the executive conference coordinator being responsible for:
- Obtaining sponsorship of meals.
- Obtaining information regarding the conference including:
a) A written contract for meal prices including: (i) Policy on meal guarantee and deadline for meal count (ii) Additional charge for room use (iii) Room charge for hospitality rooms
(iv) Beverage charges for hospitality times, including policy on serving liquor brought in from outside facility.
(v) Prices for break-time refreshments
- Cooperate with corporate members and meal sponsors whenever needed.
- When all charges have been determined, set the conference fee, including a
fifteen percent (15%) surcharge for unforeseen expenses. (may add with the approval of the Board)
- Obtain a plaque of thanks to present to meal and hospitality suite sponsors,
suitable for hanging on their company wall.
- Supervise conference registration, which includes:
- a) Receive pre-conference registration
- b) Establishing computerized list of registered conference attendees for
records and registration desk.
- c) Assist registrar and aides.
- Provide signage for conference to include:
- a) Banners, posters for directions and displays
- b) Billboard for notices
- c) If necessary and permitted by city, post signs at major intersections
guiding members to site.
- Obtain from conference chair program material and have quality programs
printed. Retain twelve (12) for permanent records.
- Publish in newsletter a map and directions to meeting site. Provide detailed
instructions to supporting members on site facilities available.
- Arrange for all audio-visual equipment needed by speakers and meal
- Post conference responsibilities:
- a) Executive Director send thank you letters to all conference helpers, meal sponsors and program participants.
- b) Ad to records any current tabulation of program interests and other conference comments from any conference evaluations. Make this information available to conference committee/program chair for next conference.
- c) Provide Board with complete conference report.
- The nominating committee shall be composed in the By-Laws.
- The chair shall advise the membership through the newsletter when and
where the nomination committee is meeting and request nominations with an accompanying resume (where available), a listing of reasons, and a picture, if possible. The chair shall certify that the nominees are active members.
- The committee members shall submit nominations, particularly from their geographical area, but are not restricted to that area.
- The committee shall seek nominees who are active in and knowledgeable concerning the activities of the organization and its members. It also should
make an effort to select members reflecting the geographical distribution of
the organization.
- The slate of nominees should reflect the consensus of the committee. The
list of names for each office shall be put to a vote of the committee members. If no clear choice is indicated, the one with the lowest number of votes shall be eliminated and the rest of the list resubmitted to a vote until one candidate for each office receives a majority of the committee members voting.
- Each member shall be contacted and made fully aware of the duties attached to the office before asking whether he or she will be willing to serve. Among those duties shall be the necessity of attending all meetings pertaining to his or her office. No nomination shall be made without the concurrence of the nominee.
- The chair then shall carry out the provisions of the Constitution and By- Laws pertaining to elections.
- The results of the election shall be announced privately to those elected before the annual conference banquet. Those elected shall keep silent as to their election until the banquet.
- Results of the election also shall be given to the chair of the public relations committee as soon as possible after the results have been determined so new releases may be prepared for hometown publications, along with pictures.
- The Conference sites shall be selected two years in advance by the Board of Directors at each mid-winter board meeting.
- The Conference Site Committee chairman shall insure that bids for future conferences will be available at the board meeting and that such bids are complete as prescribed by the bidding form. The bid form should include the following items:
- a) The number of rooms available to the Association.
- b) The percentage of discount per room. (The conference chairman and
Executive Director shall negotiate the best price for rooms and meals a the appropriate time)
- c) The number of meeting rooms available.
(i) Seating capacity for each room, banquet, board and theatre seating. (ii) Charges, if any, for such rooms
(iii) Facilities available (public address systems, platforms,
speaker stands, etc.)
- d) Food policies (prices will be negotiated)
- e) Policy concerning beverages in hospitality rooms.
(i) Number of hospitality rooms available (suites). (ii) Can sponsors supply their own liquor but buy setups from the hotel?
(iii) Prices for such brands as Jack Daniels, Jim Beam, Canadian Whiskies, and other liquors such as gin, vodka, bloody marys, etc.
- f) Number of Complimentary suites furnished (President, Executive Director, etc.)
- g) Known sponsors available for first evening’s functions (Convention bureau, etc.)
- h) Clerical personnel available for assistance in registering.
- i) Parking available. Parking for RV’s with electric, or nearest
- j) Available pressroom facilities. (typewriters, telecom, phones, etc.)
- k) Discounted or free rooms for mid-winter board meeting (minimum 8
- If the conference site for the immediate following year has been found
unacceptable for any valid reasons, it shall be the duty of the conference site chairman to investigate and propose a new site for approval by the board. The Executive Committee, however, first must agree that the prior site is unacceptable.
- The conference site must not be more that 400 miles from the center of membership, as determined by an Executive Director analysis, unless an exception is allowed by the Board of Directors.
- The dates of the conference shall not conflict wit those of a fellow organization nor with any event-such as opening of hunting season-which may detract from attendance.
- The Executive Director shall visit the site to determine how well its facilities satisfy the Association’s requirements.
- The Conference Committee shall include:
- a) AGLOW President, general chair, and chair of the Conference
- b) Vice President, chair of conference site committee.
- c) Executive Director, executive conference coordinator.
- d) Corporate member liaison.
- e) One or two members at-large from the area of the conference. Chairs
of local arrangements.
- f) Any additional members that the Board deems necessary.
- The Executive Director should be the conference coordinator (see responsibilities under Executive Director conference responsibilities)
- Conference Committee chair (President) should be responsible for providing an article about the conference each issue of the newsletter. Some of this assignment may be given to another committee member.
- The conference committee chair should designate someone to be responsible for providing an inspirational thought related to the outdoors before each meal, if requested by the meal sponsor.
- The conference committee char should assign members to collect meal tickets (if used) or check for official badges worn by members and guests at each meal. This count must be given to the Executive Director immediately following the meal. This information is needed by the meal-sponsoring company or companies.
- Conference committee should arrange for someone to be in charge of arranging for special seating at one meal for the purpose of networking and becoming acquainted.
- Conference committee chair and Executive Director should notify protocol committee to take action regarding any unethical conduct during the conference.
- As program chair for the conference, the President should:
- a) Set the length of the conference with the approval of the Board.
However, all fishing and hunting activities shall be scheduled before or after the seminar sections of the conference.
- b) See that half-day breakout shall be scheduled with the arrangements
for this event being the responsibility of the corporate liaison.
- c) Select the number of seminars and topics to be presented, keeping in
mind that they should include: (i) Information on the immediate area’s hunting, fishing, recreation, conservation, etc. (ii) Basic career interests of the membership: Newspaper, magazine, photography, radio, TV, etc.
- (iii) National and Midwest hot issues.
- (iv) Information on craft improvement.
- d) Obtain seminar speakers and panelists.
- e) Obtain seminar leaders to introduce speakers, supervise seminars
including timing and speaker’s needs.
- f) Obtain a keynote speaker
- g) Schedule times for:
(i) Seminars (ii) Opening and closing meeting (if needed)
(iii) (iv) (v) (vi) breakout (vii) outdoor activities (viii) closingbanquet
Board of Directors and general membership meeting Contest awards ceremony
Raffle and auction
9. As local arrangements chairs their responsibilities are:
- a) Obtain outdoor activity information, including before, after and
during conference activities, and present to conference committee for approval.
- b) Make complete arrangements for outdoor activities, including
licensing information and arrangements, etc.
- c) Submit complete information on outdoor activities to Executive
Director and newsletter editor.
- d) Receive reservations for activities (when necessary)
- e) Provide table during conference registration to give information
about member and non-member activities.
- f) Plan non-member activities for both men and women. Make
arrangements for places where men/women can play golf, tennis, fish, visit places of local interest during seminar times (special rates, directions, etc.)
- g) Provide Executive Director and newsletter editor with details for non-member activities.
- h) Cooperate with supporting member liaison arranging breakout activities.
- i) Assist with obtaining local dignitaries to speak or be present at the conference.
- j) Assist public relations committee wit local press arrangements.
The committee shall consist of chairman of the Board of Directors and the Past President’s Council.
Procedure for nominating a Golden Glow Award candidate:
- Names and a brief reason for nominating should be submitted to the nominating Past President at the annual meeting of the Past President’s Council at AGLOW annual meeting.
- Past Presidents attending are requested to give consideration to other nominees and send that information to the chair before the end of the year (presuming the annual meeting is held in September).
- Nominating Past President will submit to the chair, in writing, names of nominees, background information and his/her reasons for the nomination.
- The Board chair will send all Past Presidents (by early November) names of
nominees and request additional names. Each Past President is required to submit at least one name. Names and information should be sent back by December 31.
- Each Golden Glow Award category should have five (5) or more nominees.
- A list of nominees, with accompanying biographical notes and reason for
person/company’s nomination should be compiled as a primary ballot and mailed to each Past President on or before February 1.
- Each Past President should vote for three nominees in each of the awards
categories. Ballot must be returned to the chairman by April 1.
- The three winners in each category will be placed on the final ballot. Final
ballots should be mailed to the Past Presidents by May 1. They should vote for one entry in each category and return the ballot by June 15.
- Chair notifies all winners and invites them (or a designated representative)
to attend the awards ceremony at the annual meeting. Accommodations will be provided by AGLOW for one night at the conference.
- Chair designs the plaque, stating briefly the reasons that the award is being made. Information for plaque will be sent to the Executive Director who will order the plaque and bring it to the conference.
- Chair will appoint a Past President to make award presentation at the awards ceremony.
- Chair should notify public relations committee, chair of award nominees and winners for publicity.
The committee has the responsibility of seeking out and certifying worthy candidates for scholarship grants in amounts set by the Board of Directors.
It also shall have the responsibility of entertaining requests form members for financial aid in taking studies to further their knowledge or skills in fields related to outdoor communications. All evidence of need and certification of worth shall be presented to the Board of Directors for its decision. Approval by the Board shall be by a majority vote of the members voting in the annual meeting.
The Finance Committee functions as an advisory body to the Board of Directors, providing advice regarding all corporate financial matters. The advice should encompass current fiscal year operations and subsequent years’ financial planning. The Finance Committee chair will advise the Executive Committee between Board meetings of matters which need to be brought to its attention.
The committee shall assure proper maintenance of corporate financial records. The Finance Committee chair shall examine the following financial records from the Treasurer:
- Monthly, reconciled bank statements.
- Quarterly, mid-year and annual financial statements.
The Finance Committee chair shall check to insure that: 1. Monthly bank statements are presented to the President, Executive Director
and Chairman of the Board. 2. All financial records are accurate and kept in accordance with the
Association’s approved cash basis accounting system. USE OF ASSOCIATION LOGO
The Association logo shall be used only in the manner provided by Article XIII of the By-Laws of the Association.
The logo shall never be used upon any correspondence, article or any other written communication that in any way could be interpreted to have a political purpose or activity. A violation of this policy shall be viewed as the most serious violation of the policies because such activity could jeopardize the not-for-profit status of the Association. Any member found to have violated this subsection (b) agrees to pay any fine imposed by a majority vote of the Board of Directors not to exceed the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). In addition to or in lieu of imposing a fine for a violation of this policy, the Board of Directors may suspend or expel any member who is found to have violated this policy by a vote of two thirds (2/3) of those present and voting at any regular meeting of the Board. The procedure for imposition of any penalty shall be the same procedure set forth in the policy entitled “Sanctions”. Any member sanctioned for violating this policy shall have all of the appeal rights provided in the policy entitled “Sanctions”.
USE OF ASSOCIATION DIRECTORY The Association Directory (mailing list) shall not be used for any political solicitation or political purpose.
Any member using the Association mailing list for a political solicitation or purpose agrees to pay any fine imposed by a majority vote of the Board of Directors not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). In addition to or in lieu of imposing a fine for a violation of this policy, the Board of Directors may suspend or expel any member who is found to have violated this policy by a vote of two thirds (2/3) of those present and voting at any regular meeting of the Board. The procedure for imposition of any penalty shall be the same procedure set forth in the policy entitled “Sanctions”. Any member sanctioned for violating this policy shall have all of the appeal rights provided in the policy entitled “Sanctions”.
SANCTIONS By applying for membership in AGLOW and by remaining a member after the adoption of this policy, all members of all classes of members agree to abide by the Constitution, By-Laws, or Policies of the Association.
Except as otherwise provided, the Board of Directors by majority vote of those present at any regular meeting shall have the authority and power to impose a fine not exceeding the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each violation upon any member of any class of members who violates any provision of the Association’s Constitution, By-Laws, or Policies. In the event any fine is imposed by the Board of Directors, written notice of the nature of the violation and the amount of the fine shall be mailed by certified mail to the address provided by such member for the Association directory. Such notice shall be mailed within five (5) days following the vote finding a violation and imposing a fine.
Any finding of violation or imposition of fine may be appealed to the Executive Committee by giving written notice of intent to appeal the fine within thirty (30) days following date of the vote of the Board of Directors regarding such violation and imposing a fine. The ruling of the Executive Committee shall be final and shall not be subject to further appeal.
The obligation to pay any fine imposed by the Board of Directors shall be contractual. Any fine imposed by the Board of Directors shall be paid within sixty (60) days. Any fine imposed shall be deposited in the Wendy O’Donnell Schmidt Memorial Scholarship Fund and shall be treated as a charitable contribution for all purposes.
CONFERENCE TRADITIONS AND COURTESIES These are not hard and fast rules, however, they have been established over the years as ways of doing things in AGLOW. These customs will no doubt be changed as members of AGLOW change and customs of the day change.
- All members should attend as many conference seminars as possible. When not attending a seminar, members should refrain from disturbing the sessions.
- Every member should try to meet and network with as many AGLOW members as possible, giving special attention to new, “green ribbon” members.
- Conference speakers shall be considered guests of the Association and shall receive one night’s (or two if deemed appropriate by the Executive Director and Conference chairman) lodging and meals.
- Representatives of government agencies such as conservation departments shall pay the fee if attending the entire conference, or be charged regular meal price plus fifteen percent (15%).
- Each member shall be limited to one member of the immediate family as a guest, and pay the conference registration fee established annually by the Board of Directors. Additional guests will pay the guest conference fee as established by the Board of Directors and any applicable meal costs plus fifteen percent (15%).
EXPENSES Authorized out-of-pocket minor expenses of officers, board members and committee chairs, such as telephone, postage and similar items, may be approved by the Executive Director for reimbursement. However, major items exceeding $75 must receive approval from the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee. Any expenses that may be foreseen or those of a recurring type-such as the phone bill of the recruiting chairman, the travel of the site selection chairman-shall be budgeted and approved by the Board in advance.
USE OF STATIONERY Association stationery may be used only for official Association business. The Executive Director, any officer, board member or general member found using Association letterhead for personal business, or any other business not related to the business or functions of this Association may be dismissed as a member or officer of the organization after consideration by and the opportunity to appeal such dismissal to the Board of Directors at a time and place and under such procedures as it may designate.
DUES Membership dues shall be paid annually by January 1. Associate member dues shall be the same as active members.
Applicants approved for membership shall pay an initiation fee.
If a member becomes delinquent on his dues for more than one year, or if such member resigns, and rejoins later, he or she shall pay another initiation fee.
Applicants approved for membership prior to June 30 shall pay full dues.
Applicants approved for membership after June 30 shall be required to pay one and one-half (1 1⁄2) years’ dues.
Retired members shall pay fifty percent (50%) of the Active fee. The Board of Directors shall decide all dues subject to the approval of membership. AMENDMENT OF POLICY MANUAL
Unlike the Constitution and By-Laws, this policy manual is a growing manual, subject to many revisions during its early years of formation. As it outlines duties of officers and members, it will change constantly as circumstances dictate. For this reason, the items may be amended by the Board of Directors by a simple majority of those present and voting.